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    Meat & Seafood | Kabobs & Cakes

    current price $15.99/ea
    $31.98/lb2ct, 8oz
    current price $13.99/ea

    Fish Cubes

    current price $9.99/lb
    current price $10.99/ea
    $17.58/lb2ct, 10oz
    current price $8.99/ea
    $15.98/lb2ct, 9oz
    current price $18.99/ea
    approx. 1.3lb, 3pcs
    current price $13.99/ea
    current price $29.99/ea
    approx 1 lb, 2pcs

    Shrimp Kabobs

    current price $21.99/ea
    approx. 1lb, 3pcs