Buttered Stuffing with Celery and Leeks
I have barely changed my stuffing recipe in years, but each time I make it is an opportunity for me (personally) to make The Best Stuffing I Have Ever Had. I am very competitive with myself and I take this self vs. self contest very seriously. The biggest variable seems to be the bread itself -- I used to think the darker and crustier the loaf the better, but I have since realized that I prefer it with something slightly softer (that still has texture). Ideally, the bread has good flavor (from nice flour, long ferment, dark crust) but isn't so dense or crusty that it becomes impossible to rip by hand!
current price $3.99/ea
current price $7.99/ea
current price now$5.99/ea earlier price was$7.19Save 16%
current price $21.99/ea
$0.65/fl oz33.8fl oz
current price $15.99/ea
$0.47/fl oz33.8fl oz
current price $28.39/ea
$0.84/fl oz1 liter
current price $2.49/ea Save 19%
approx. 0.5oz
current price $8.29/ea
4ct, 4oz ea
current price $3.99/ea
3ct, approx. 2.4oz
current price $5.99/ea
2-3ct, approx. 1lb
current price $10.29/ea
current price $7.69/ea
current price $6.49/ea
current price $7.39/ea
current price $2.99/ea
approx. 1lb
current price $4.99/ea
approx. 1lb
current price $3.99/ea
current price now$9.99/ea earlier price was$11.99Save 16%
$0.42/fl oz24fl oz
current price now$9.99/ea earlier price was$11.99Save 16%
$0.42/fl oz24fl oz
current price $6.29/ea
$0.20/fl oz32fl oz
current price $6.29/ea
$0.20/fl oz32fl oz
current price $6.29/ea
$0.20/fl oz32fl oz
current price $6.29/ea
$0.20/fl oz32fl oz
current price $6.49/ea
Max 3 per customer
current price $2.99/ea
approx. 4oz
current price $2.99/ea
approx. 1oz
current price $2.49/ea Save 19%
approx. 0.5oz
current price $2.49/ea Save 19%
approx. 0.5oz