
$3.49/lbmin. of 2

Actual weight may vary from estimate due to seasonality and/or sourcing.

Total $2.09
Est. Weight: 0.60lb
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Whoever first thought of crossing a plum with an apricot deserves a medal. This large, round fruit gets the best of both its parents. It looks and feels like a plum, and it has a plum's sweet, juicy texture. Add to that some of an apricot's complex, fruity-spicy flavor, and you have one of the best fruits going. It's hard to believe it's a product of modern science — what will they think of next? Plan ahead! Our plumcots arrive firm. They'll soften in 3-5 days at room temperature, or you can speed up the process by storing them in a paper bag. When your plumcots yield to gentle pressure, they're ready.